upcoming events
Creative Workshop for@TeenSpot
Kowloon Tong
To empower teenagers to engage in creative work without ripping their pocket money off, our passionate team will be tutoring every Saturday and giving out useful advice on graphic designs.
2017 Taipei Maker Faire
Taipei Maker Faire has gathered up all makers around the world. 100FUN is taking the lead to bring our local teachers to this important event. Our mission is to facilitate the cross-cultural exchange through explorational activities, gathering, sharing and visit. The ultimate goal is to learn the good from others, and bring in the knowledge for a better Hong Kong's future.
Business School Partnership Programme
Kowloon Tong
Collaborating with the Education Bureau, BSPP leads students out of the classroom to gain a wider perspective of the world so that they can get prepared for life in the society. Through this job shadowing opportunity in 100FUN, students will be able to know about different careers, enhance generic skills, develop correct work attitude and values.